Monday 25 June 2012

We are moving


We have found our new abode..  :)

Monday 23 April 2012

What is Premium Beautiful?


Have you ever heard of Premium Beautiful? PB Corset?
Premium Beautiful is created 70% for health and 30% for beauty. It is not only for women, but also for men!

Curve and shape your body instantly!

Firm and lifted hips

Premium Beautiful (PB) consists of:
a) The Long Bra
b) The Waist Nipper
c) The Long Girdle

The Long Bra

  • The unique 3-piece dimensional clipping cups designed to push up, support and provide firmness to chest.
  • 2 ultra-soft wire coils help to slim down body, enhance and firm up body contour.
  • Unique ‘U’ shape at the back not only serves as slimming purpose, but also outlines the back contour effectively.
  • Diamond butterfly serves as an ornament to symbolize the exclusiveness of the product.
  • Three pairs of Hook-and-Eye give you safe and comfortable flexibility.

The Waist Nipper

  • Made of seven pieces of ‘smart technology’ wires. It provides support to waist comfortably as well as upholds the backbone and straightens postures firmly.
  • The unique body shape design, transfers the fat from waist to the breasts and buttocks accordingly, thus to create a perfect and well-balanced contour.
  • The flexible cutting design creates a perfect contour individually.
  • Three pairs of Hook-and-Eye give you safe and comfortable flexibility.

The Long Girdle

  • The 32-piece stereoscopic cutting design, based on ‘Fragmentary Pressure Compression Theory’ will effectively divert displaced fat to its original position.
  • Unique hip cup cutting and design will effectively rectify the sagging buttocks, enhance the hip curve and prop-up-hip.
  • Cotton on the waist of girdle provides comfort and enhances waist curve.
  • The fixed pressure compression at the abdomen reduces the excessive fat, thus to flatten the abdomen.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Tokio in the heart of Cyberjaya


I thought it was a dream. Dah lama mimpi nak bercuti ke Tokyo. Alih2 dah sampai..tak payah nak susah payah naik kapal terbang.. Rupa2nya dekat je kat Cyberjaya.. ;P

TokioKafe adalah adik kepada Restoren Padi. The cafe serves variety of food ranging from Japanese (of course la kan..), western, Italian and many more. The food, from what I've ordered was delicious and the portion was quite big. In terms of price, it's on the average side if compared to other eateries in Cyberjaya.

Interior of TokioCafe; cosy & inviting. I suke!
Kare Raisu

Smoked salmon sandwich. Sedap!

Mushroom soup. Love the swirl.
 And last but not least..the dessert! Oh my..
Meleleh air liur...
So you've got another good spot for eating or dating or biz sharing.

Till then..Tata!

Friday 13 April 2012



Bulan ni adalah bulan murah rezeki. Syukur..Ya Allah. Apart sharing the happiness with my family members, I also wanted to 'blanja' those people who has been supporting my business.

Since it's friday, cuba teka kat mana kitaorang makan? Hehe..Of course..none other than.. TGIF Alamanda. Orang pun tak berapa ramai (most probably tengah tunggu gaji bulan ni..See..told ya in my last post kan) I bersyukur I got bonus in the middle of the month..Jgn jeles..;)

Now..u can start salivating..hehe

Thursday 12 April 2012



Tajuk hari ni mcm lagu Destiny's Child plak. Hehe.. Tapi tulaa lagu favourite kebanyakan kita bila tiba hujung bulan. Azni tak terkecuali. Dari bil elektrik, air, Astro, credit card..and the list will never end. 

Ni baru beberapa sahaja...
Kalau kita buat kira-kira perbelanjaan bulanan, rasa2nya ada tak allocation untuk monthly savings? Jom kita sama2 kira...

Purata gaji bulanan rakyat Malaysia = RM3,000

Lepas tu kita tolak belanja bulanan:

Ansuran rumah: RM550 (utk apartment 3 bilik)
Ansuran kereta: RM630 (kete Myvi)
Insurance kesihatan: RM200
Bil elektrik, air, astro, telefon: RM600
Petrol + tol: RM600
Belanja runcit + makan: RM500
Perbelanjaan keseluruhan = RM3,080.... :(

Sedih kan..definitely we don't have allocation for savings utk diri sendiri apatah lagi utk anak2. Azni rasa kalau tak BERTINDAK dari sekarang sampai bila2 pun kita akan pasrah dengan situasi sebegini. Anak-anak makin membesar, of course we want to give the best education for them.Alhamdulillah..Allah dah bukak mata, bukak hati Azni dan dipertemukan dengan pemimpin yang hebat. Syukur Ya Allah..


Tuesday 10 April 2012



Seperti kebiasaannya..pertengahan bulan adalah HARI BONUS PB SEDUNIA!!!
Yaayy!!! Syukur sgt2 di pertemukan dengan bisnes ni.
Insya Allah pasti berjaya.


Call me 019-6682452

Sunday 8 April 2012



How was your weekend frens?
Mine was jammed packed. Ada reunion sekolah menengah plus cousins's wedding dekat KL. Nak dijadikan cerita sblm pi wedding smlm i baru perasan baju2 and seluar Harith dah ketatsss.. Oh my...maknanya kenela shopping kan.  Memandangkan skrg ni dia tengah membesar sebagai johan i pun tak nak la beli baju2 mahal utk dia. we went to Parkson. As always Parkson smlm ada grand sale. 

 Nampak tak tanda Grand Sale tu

Pose kejap dlm fitting room..hehe
Dalam hati i..good timing ni..bole la i rembat byk sket since sale kan. Mata i pun melilau carik tag 50% - 70%. I survey kat Jeep harga sehelai jeans was RM50 after less. Time tu i rasa dah murah habis. Lps suruh dia try, i ended up buying a pair of jeans brand Polo, 2 pairs of 3/4 khakis and 2 t-hirts brand Jeep. Semua tu 50% discount. Sampai kat counter nak damage was RM250++. Tu baru sorang anak..kalau 4 orang dah RM1k!!. No wonder ramai yg termenung bila time raya and nak masuk skolah. Nasib baik I join this business alhamdulillah ada extra utk makan pakai anak2. Savings utk each child pun dah meningkat. Kalau dulu i can only allocate RM50 utk seorang anak..skrg dah bertambah ke RM250 sorang hasil daripada tak sampai beberapa bulan buat bisnes Premium Beautiful. Syukur atas rezeki yang tak disangka2 dari Allah. Ibu2 di luar sana, kalau nak tau macammana Azni dapat extra income bulan2..pls don't hesitate to call me. Azni sedia berkongsi.

Call me 019-6682452
