Wednesday 14 March 2012

Corset dilemma


Who got flabby tummy?!!

I laa tu.. (sambil angkat dua2 belah tangan, at the same time nak tekup muka jgak) . Mak i ckp 'adatlaa dah ada anak 2 org. Mesti ada perut punya'. Even my tailor, a chinese lady pun ckp 'It's ok dear. Biasalaa org sudah beranak'. Ish..pada i tak ok langsung!

I hate it when i sit down and i saw the 'kek lapis'. Ada jgak adegan yang bila duduk cover perut sket ngan kertas, file or handbag. Haha! I guess most of us with flabby tummy did that often. Bukan I tak pakai corset..i pakai..but not working laa..The first corset yang i pakai brand 'triumph'. gamba kat bwh ni..

I pakai straight away lepas pantang anak pertama sbb tak tahan perut berbuai2. Harga pun bukan murah..dalam RM300 ++ tu. It serves well until the fourth month, suddenly i felt something poking my thigh. Rupa2nya ada satu besi kat waist nipper tu dah terkeluar. Lepas kejadian tu, bila pakai corset ni dah tak selesa and I chucked it away.

Of course la i kene carik penggantikan. Perut kene cover. Then i prasan kat fb, ramai yang promote Spanx. I pulak tanpa membuang masa, rembat satu. I beli yang camni..

My review: Ok2 jee..sbbnye it still has not solved my problem of flabby tummy. Product ni takde waist nipper. So bila duduk terserlahlaa 'kek lapis' tu. Lagi satu Spanx ni agak fragile and jahitan senang tetas.

Fed up jgak i. Tak sangka susah betul nak dapat the right corset. Seperti biasa I pun start meng'google' and voila!! What did i found..Premium Beautiful aka PB corset. After doing some researched I found that the product not only reshaping your body like what other corset did but it also comes with lotsa benefits in relation to your health. Some of the benefits:

  • improves blood circulation
  • increases body's metabolic rate
  • helps prevent cancer
  • correct posture and body shape - suitable to individual who got slip disc problem
  • suitable to those who are trying to conceive and many more!
Amazing kan!!

Within a minute i then contacted the authorised dealer by the name of Hanis Haizi* and...surprise..surprise..not only I bought the corset, I was also introduced to a business opportunity with PB. The opportunity was soo good and I can't resist it.

Ok..takmo citer panjang.
Want to know more about the MIRACLE corset and its business opportunity?


Call me at 019-6682452


kalau malu, email ajeer..

psstt..forgot to tell u all. The best part is the company is now offering free travel trip to Guangzhou! Haa..tunggu apalagi!


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